Name: kitty-kill
Age: frozen at 18
Jung's Typology: INTJ: Introvert - 100%, iNtuitive - 75%, Thinking - 75%, Judging - 35%
Status: "i'm not yet married so i'm technically single" - ernest v.
From: nowheresville
Email: deicruxified@yahoo.com
Yahoo Messenger: bw_itch
Job: bitch of the south... part-time human
Interests: music, books, art, butane lighters, drums, guitar, pillows, aikido, mountain bikes, mp3's, cd's, food
Hobbies: reading, writing, listening to music, sleeping, daydreaming, aikido, observing people, playing: rpg, drums, guitar
Music: metal, hardcore, speed, black, goth, dark wave, indie, punk, grunge, chill-out, new-age
Clubs/Orgs: aikido philippines, makiling southside aikido, las-piñas group of artists, students of philosophy in action (sophia), xiaoxiao (khan online guild...), pbf (hs barkada), dollhouse kin
IGN: khan online: ostara (micko level 84), Tristania (necromancer level 35), gubblebum (assasin level 27)


a poem within a poem
master crammer
wheels in the head
tractatus logico-philosophicus
chips ahoy + san mig light = one hell of a dinner!
writer's block
"strawberry gashes" - jack off jill
death blooms

October 2004
November 2004
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006

the authentic ones:

akaialeinebakibbianxcacrisfroghaidokathkarlkuroichigojoannamariannemarjmarkmauinerpspatrickpinkypon ponsamtototwixxxiao


template by khairul
my shoutbox
nartz (skin host)

everyone is condemned to speak freely here


Friday, November 18, 2005

i am currently listening to nirvana (nevermind album)

due to public demand, i now unveil marinella's blog.

i skipped my one and only class every mondays and fridays. i'm not in the mood to go to school for some reasons. although i received a message from a friend regarding my high midterm exam result in that subject (analytic philosophy), there was not even a spark of excitement in my head. damn, i have to take an hour bus trip to school just to attend one single class then, after one hour and thirty minutes of boredom, go back home. *shrugs* another reason, probably, why i'm not in the mood to go to school is that my thesis is seducing me again. no wonder i have this sudden urge to take a notepad, a pen, and a bottle of san miguel strong ice (hey guys, it tastes sweeter than san miguel pale pilsen and san miguel light!). i love writing but not thesis because it forces my intuitive mind to be bound to a framework of some sort. i had a chat with cito at ym a while ago and told him that i am eally tempted to drop my thesis course at the expense of my college diploma so as to free my mind from the pressure. please, my dear friends, by all means stop me!

to some extent, sir dancel is right. he said in the "ad hoc" part (which is a comical story how he finds writing thesis excruciating) of his ma thesis that theses aren't that bad at all... they are evil. i understand him fairly enough. i lost a lot of pounds just thinking about how to think. i have a love-hate relationship with my thesis because it keeps my brain working to the extreme. i also lost a lot of weight. my height is 5'4 and i used to weigh 121 lbs (i was a pound overweight thanks to fast food)... after a week 115 lbs... another week 110 then 104. i'm not taking slimming pills or tea. i'm just thinking too much that i forgot to eat. if you think that i'm becoming anorexic, hell no! i love food!

next term i'll be lving like a hermit. i'll be moving in to my condo so that i can focus on my thesis. my mom wanted to put it on rent until she had her accountant friend of hers compute for the expenses... or whatever that is she's computing that made my mom realized that she won't actually earn from renting the condo. so she'll just put me on exile near temptation land - greenbelt (walking distance! i only have to cross the street ^__^). to those of you who wants to give me an ambush visit next term in my bat cave, i'll give you the address. i won't expose it here of course hehehehe.


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