Name: kitty-kill
Age: frozen at 18
Jung's Typology: INTJ: Introvert - 100%, iNtuitive - 75%, Thinking - 75%, Judging - 35%
Status: "i'm not yet married so i'm technically single" - ernest v.
From: nowheresville
Email: deicruxified@yahoo.com
Yahoo Messenger: bw_itch
Job: bitch of the south... part-time human
Interests: music, books, art, butane lighters, drums, guitar, pillows, aikido, mountain bikes, mp3's, cd's, food
Hobbies: reading, writing, listening to music, sleeping, daydreaming, aikido, observing people, playing: rpg, drums, guitar
Music: metal, hardcore, speed, black, goth, dark wave, indie, punk, grunge, chill-out, new-age
Clubs/Orgs: aikido philippines, makiling southside aikido, las-piñas group of artists, students of philosophy in action (sophia), xiaoxiao (khan online guild...), pbf (hs barkada), dollhouse kin
IGN: khan online: ostara (micko level 84), Tristania (necromancer level 35), gubblebum (assasin level 27)
dooms day 2005
song of the day -- "blue" - a perfect circle
father lucifer - tori amos
... i can't think of a title
a letter to someone
why the red guy is pantsless
i am currently listening to nirvana (nevermind album)
a poem within a poem
master crammer
wheels in the head
October 2004
November 2004
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
the authentic ones: †
akai †
aleine †
bakib †
bianx †
ca †
cris †
frog †
haido †
kath †
karl †
kuro †
ichigo †
joanna †
marianne †
marj †
mark †
maui †
nerps †
patrick †
pinky †
pon pon †
sam †
totot †
wixx †
xiao †
template by khairul
my shoutbox
nartz (skin host)
everyone is condemned to speak freely here
Saturday, December 03, 2005
she knows...
i'm the only person left here at home so i have the power to do everything i want. nyahahaha! but that does not save me from chores. it really sucks. i miss playing my drumset. although i have a lot of idle time today, i still have to use it to do some minor revisons on my thesis proposal. actually i don't know when i'm going to defend yet because one of my mentors, sir miles, haven't read my thesis proposal yet! only sor v contacted me about my thesis and that's quite a good thing i guess. another concern that will feed on my free time is the finance work in sophia. since mosr of the officers in our org are participating in the sea games i can't track each one of them to sign some papers. i really hate handling money! i don't know why i was put in this position. grrr
the spirit of christmas isn't in our home yet. i don't have enough money to buy my friends gifts but i have set aside some savings to those special few i prioritize. our garage is under renovation right now so mom didn't want to put yet any christmas decor or lights so that it won't be messed-up when the construction workers arrive. if that's the case then we won't have any christmas decorations whatsoever if they finish working on january. hahahaha. well anyway, at least we don't have to clean up anymore after the holidays ^__^
speaking of christmas, i think i'm the only person who hates this holiday. well of course our family gets together and it really is a nice thing - the only thing i liked about christmas. the thing i hate about this holiday is that a lot of people use it as a means to gain something especially money. people will try to be plastic to be nice to you as if they're casting a fallacious (appeal to pity) spell on you. just imagine how many people are becoming your friends and relatives during the christmas season. last year a stranger, who we haven't seen before, rang our doorbell and told us that he's the son of my mom's second cousin's sister... or whatever. he even showed us an identification card to be credible. my mom felt really strange of course because he doesn't know such-and-such persons who existed in her life however knows her name and address. my uncle, on my mom's side of the family, was also in our home. what's so strange about this stranger (kaya nga stranger e kulet no?) is he knows my mom's name and our home address while he doesn't know my uncle. but mom, being the nice catholic woman that she is on a christmas season, let the stranger enter our home and let him join in our post christmas feast. he was nice and after a while he left. after a few days or so, he started calling my mom asking to give his family money every month... 50 thousand. well that's bullshit. my mom had him investigated and it turned out that he was a fraud. hahaha
well anyway, that's the extreme case and i hope that did not happen in your families. moving on, another reason why i hate christmas it it tells me that a weel after it's going to be new year. i never enjoyed my new years because i'm asthmatic. grrr. they always lock me up in the room during new years because i might be rushed to the hospital together with some people who got their body parts mutillated... i'll die for sure because the hospitals here in our country is too graphic every new year. i don't know why they have to expose to the open areas of the hospital shrieking kids and adults. it's not that i hate blood and gore, in fact, i love them. but i can't tolerate hearing screams of people in pain. i really wish the hospital directors would make efforts to stop this kind of freak show in their hospitals... gotta call uncle!