Name: kitty-kill
Age: frozen at 18
Jung's Typology: INTJ: Introvert - 100%, iNtuitive - 75%, Thinking - 75%, Judging - 35%
Status: "i'm not yet married so i'm technically single" - ernest v.
From: nowheresville
Email: deicruxified@yahoo.com
Yahoo Messenger: bw_itch
Job: bitch of the south... part-time human
Interests: music, books, art, butane lighters, drums, guitar, pillows, aikido, mountain bikes, mp3's, cd's, food
Hobbies: reading, writing, listening to music, sleeping, daydreaming, aikido, observing people, playing: rpg, drums, guitar
Music: metal, hardcore, speed, black, goth, dark wave, indie, punk, grunge, chill-out, new-age
Clubs/Orgs: aikido philippines, makiling southside aikido, las-piñas group of artists, students of philosophy in action (sophia), xiaoxiao (khan online guild...), pbf (hs barkada), dollhouse kin
IGN: khan online: ostara (micko level 84), Tristania (necromancer level 35), gubblebum (assasin level 27)
she knows...
dooms day 2005
song of the day -- "blue" - a perfect circle
father lucifer - tori amos
... i can't think of a title
a letter to someone
why the red guy is pantsless
i am currently listening to nirvana (nevermind album)
a poem within a poem
master crammer
October 2004
November 2004
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
the authentic ones: †
akai †
aleine †
bakib †
bianx †
ca †
cris †
frog †
haido †
kath †
karl †
kuro †
ichigo †
joanna †
marianne †
marj †
mark †
maui †
nerps †
patrick †
pinky †
pon pon †
sam †
totot †
wixx †
xiao †
template by khairul
my shoutbox
nartz (skin host)
everyone is condemned to speak freely here
Monday, December 05, 2005
what in fucking hell!
not being too rude but i don't understand why some people don't think. in our org, somebody collected money for our team building -- for the expenses. they told me that the collection and the money i gave them is insufficient. they handed over some receipts to show me their expenses... i wonder how they allocated the money. i asked the person-in-charge of the team building to give me the actual breakdown of expenses. all she just told me, "kulang nga talaga e" damn i need empirical data! i told them i won't reimburse their money unless they show me the list. next week is the deadline of processing finance form but until now they have given me nothing.
the person-in-charge was also charging me for the toll gate and diesel expenses. why would the organization have to pay for her personal expenses? arrrrgh!!! another thing, they also gave me a receipt written in an ordinary sheet of paper... torn paper!! my galeh... from some sari-sari store somewhere in batangas. well they spent more than a thousand bucks on alcoholic drinks and cigarettes... how am i going to reimburse these soo called "sin-products"? i really wish during the time they were sunbathing and getting drunk til dawn that we are all enrolled in a christian university... hay!!!!
i am annoyed to the nth level!